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Our University

Since 1971, National University has been dedicated to making lifelong learning opportunities accessible and achievable to adult learners from all walks of life. As a private nonprofit institution, we invest in our students by providing them with quality educational instruction and learning technologies, experienced faculty, and a host of dedicated student services.

Our university comprises four schools and three colleges, including:

As a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), we’re proud of our commitment to diversity and provide more master’s degrees in education to minority students than any other college or university in California, as well as more master’s degrees in all disciplines combined to the state’s Hispanics and African Americans, according to “Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.”

Annually, NU also ranks in the Top 10 nationally in granting master’s degrees to women. In addition, thirty percent of our student body is active-duty military servicemembers and Veterans, and 82 percent of our undergraduates transfer to NU from other colleges and universities. Since our founding, our community has grown to more than 220,000 alumni worldwide.

Dedicated to educational access and academic excellence, we provide challenging and relevant programs that are student-centered, success-oriented, and have a proven balance of theoretical and practical attributes. Additionally, students are encouraged to take advantage of our student services designed to support students throughout their career at NU and beyond.