Academic Progress
The main components of Academic Progress are:
- Attendance: Given the intense, one-month format of most courses at National University, it is important that students make every effort to attend all class sessions.
- Grades: Credential students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 to make satisfactory progress toward graduation.
- Grade of Incomplete
- Academic Probation
- Academic Disqualify
- Academic Dismissal
- Credential courses have nine (9) sessions, typically eight (8) week-night sessions and a final half-Saturday session.
- If a student has three or more absences, the professor has the prerogative of withdrawing the student, provided the withdrawal is issued prior to the sixth class session.
- If a student has four or more absences and the professor elects not to withdraw the student from the course, the student will receive an “F” for the course.
Grade of Incomplete
To qualify for a grade of Incomplete (“I”), a student must have attended two-thirds of the class sessions. Students who have missed four or more classes do not qualify for an Incomplete.
- Students must resolve the Incomplete no later than the end of the second quarter after the end-date of the course in which the Incomplete was received.
- Students may be required by the instructor to resolve the Incomplete in a shorter period.
- If a student has three, simultaneous grades of Incomplete, this student will be placed on “Incomplete Interrupt.” This will cause the student to be temporarily withdrawn from the University until all Incompletes are resolved.
Academic Probation
Credential students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 to make satisfactory progress toward graduation.
- If a student’s GPA falls below 3.0 for work taken at National University, that student will be placed on academic probation.
- On probation, a student is allowed three courses to improve his/her GPA to 3.0.
- A student will be removed from academic probation as soon as his/her GPA returns to 3.0.
Academic Disqualification
A Credential student on probation who fails to return his/her GPA to 3.0 by the end of the three-course probationary period will be academically disqualified from his/her program.
- After taking a three-month break from studies, a disqualified student may petition the Committee on the Application of Standards for readmission to his/her program.
- A disqualified student may be readmitted to his/her program on “conditional” status, during which the student has three courses in a six-month period to return his/her GPA to 3.0. If the student returns his/her GPA to 3.0 in that time frame, the “conditional” status is changed to “permanent probation.”
Academic Dismissal
Credential students are academically dismissed from the University for the following reasons:
- The student receives three grades of “D” and/or “F.”
- The student has been reinstated from academic disqualification on “conditional” status and fails to return his/her GPA to 3.0 within three courses over a six-monnth period.
- The student is on a status of “permanent probation” and his/her GPA falls below 3.0.